Zikora Foundation

Our vision:


Our vision is to empower individuals to realize healthier, gender-sensitive, sustainable communities- where individuals are educated, empowered to provide better solutions and actively involved to achieve gender parity and drive a new era of development and productivity with equal opportunities- for future generations.


Our Mission

Our mission is to work hand in hand with communities to build a healthier, safer and thriving community for future generations; and create a greener and sustainable environment to alleviate poverty.

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Our Causes

Zikora foundation is mainly striving to support communities achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)- 3, 5 and 11. Our programs are designed with focus on these SDGs, with the intent to support governments in the implementation of environment sustainable programs, improve health care services, create awareness, empower communities to build communities where human rights are respected, and poverty is alleviated.



good health and well-being 

Our foundation is taking huge steps to ensure healthy lives through Health Outreaches to enlighten communities on common diseases, viruses and bacteria such as malaria, hepatitis, lassa fever, glaucoma; informing them on better sanitation measures and providing free medical consultations and care.

We assist hospitals with medical equipment towards better medicare delivery.

The goal of the Foundation’s health programme is to achieve sustainable improvements in health status in communities, especially among girls and women.



gender equality

Girls and Women play a pivotal role in achieving sustainable communities- Educate a woman you educate a nation. Our foundation capitalizes on this, advocating strongly for gender equality and empowering women through our gender programs. Our Programs focuses on sexual, reproductive and maternal health, women, peace and security as well as women and the environment.



sustainable cities and communities

Our Foundation is aware that communities and cities play a vital role in enabling individuals to advance socially and economically and thus, face  challenges  to achieving and maintaining communities and cities with an environment to thrive. 

Our programs support and empower individuals to build healthier, sustainable environments for their communities and cities.


Our Programs

Our programs which are designed to achieve the SDGs 3,5 and 11  aim at:

  • Promoting policy dialogue and mechanisms that allow for sustainable health care services and systems; creating awareness and advocacy on best practices, hygiene and lifestyles that would lead to healthier communities; creating knowledge data base for easy access for communities on health care and providing free basic health care services through medical outreaches.

  • Empowering  through scholarships for young boys, girls and women to be educated in schools or in acquisition of a skill; teaching the art of self-defense; counselling and pro bono representations for women who are victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse or harassment and how they can identify and report these abuses.

  • Creating environmentally friendly and self-conscious individuals.


z-recycle (Plastics and clothes)

Our recycle program educates members of communities on plastic pollution and the importance of recycling. We also encourage individuals to recycle their old clothes or clothes which they no longer need with us, and this can be done  in 2ways:

  • Drop off at any of our recycling centres or

  • arrange a pick up.



write to educate

This program encourages youths to use their writing skills to educate others. If you are interested in this program, please write to us, giving a brief bio of yourself, how often you’ll like to send in articles and a sample article at: info@zikorafoundation.org

OUTREACHES and counselling

We organize human rights awareness seminars, community development, medical outreaches- where we provide free medical aid and donate medical equipment to communities; and other gender-sensitive programs.


Are you a student in the medical field (medicine, optometry, biochemistry, pharmarcy, etc), legal, management, I.T or environmental field in the university? Here's an opportuinity to enhance your skills. Send us an email (info@zikorafoundation.org )attaching your cv and cover letter.


february 2018

Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success.

Henry Ford / Read Full Article



Get Involved

It’s impossible to do this alone! The more the hands, the larger our area of coverage. Youths are welcome to lend a helping hand under our Volunteering program.

Interested? you can sign up, send us an email: info@zikorafoundation.org (with a brief bio, the area where you live and what program you would like to join) or do it individually by following this guide- http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/takeaction/


Sign Up For a Program

We would love for you to join one of our programs! Send us an email or sign up below.

Volunteer opportunities

Join our volunteering team and leave a mark in a community!

Make a Donation

Thank you for giving! Your donations are welcome. You may donate clothes(send us an email) or click to donate money.